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Book your Part-time Programme place

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    Part-time Programmes

    Please make sure you click on your selected class, day, and schedule.

    Drawing Programme

    Sculpture Programme

    Friday Seminars

    Start of the course

    For how many months do you want to register?

    The student can join the course at the beginning of a term

    • Winter Term [13 January - 29 March 2025]

    • Spring Term [14 April - 28 June 2025]

    • Summer Term [7 July - 20 September 2025]

    • Fall Term [6 October - 20 December 2025]

    I want to start in de



    DNI o passport:

    * Maximum 6mb. Formats: pdf, jpg, png, zip, rar.

    How did you find out about us?

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