Iago Remacha

Iago Remacha

Drawing | Painting

Portrait Drawing and Painting | Pencil Drawing and Painting | Long Pose Drawing and Painting | Bargue Plates and Cast Drawing | Plaster and Still Life Painting

About Iago.

Iago Remacha has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. In 2014 he decided to study drawing and painting at the Barcelona Academy of Art. His curiosity for the digital sector led him to work in this area, reaching a very high level, applying his knowledge of traditional techniques to 2D and 3D digital software.


In 2015, Iago won second prize for drawing in the Canson Art School Awards, and third prize in the 15th edition of the ARC Scholarship Awards.


Currently Iago is Coordinator of the Drawing and Painting Programme of the BAA.


Works gallery