
Bargue Plates and Cast Drawing

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Bargue Plates and Cast Drawing

curso de lΓ‘minas y de yesos




Bargue Plates (ideal for first registrations): In this first part of the Studio Programme, students must first complete the exercises in the Bargue Plate Drawing programme, from Charles Bargue's Cours de Dessin created in collaboration with the Great Master Jean-LΓ©on GΓ©rΓ΄me. The plates are grouped by skill level, and the teaching is structured in such a way that the student acquires deeper and deeper knowledge as they progress through the exercises.

The Sight-Size method is a useful tool in the initial phases of the programme to introduce students to the taking of measurements, the study of proportions, gesture, shapes and the detection of the shadow line. As the student progresses through the syllabus, they should work on taking measurements by comparison whenever necessary. By studying the contours, the student acquires a high level of precision along with the ability to simplify with just a few lines, to gradually approach the complete representation of the shape. Charcoal makes it possible to work with precision and acquire extensive knowledge of values. To introduce these concepts, the tones are reduced to cloudy shapes and three tones are highlighted: light, medium and shadow, to demonstrate how light and shadow patterns show forms. This gives them extensive knowledge of the gradations of colour values.

Once this first phase has been completed, the students continue their studies with the Cast Drawing Programme. Casts are plaster copies of classical and Renaissance figures also included in the Cours de Dessin.

The white surface of the cast allows the student to study and interpret the shapes without yet having to worry about the complexity of colour values and textures. Through this exercise, the eye is intensively trained to accurately see and reproduce nature, as well as to grasp a deep understanding of the mechanics of light and contours.

Each session lasts for 3 hours. Part-time students have the option to choose between attending 2 or 4 days a week, and can select either the 10 am to 1 pm or the 2 pm to 5 pm schedule. The trimester lasts for 11 weeks.

Please note that materials are not included. A detailed list of materials will be provided along with the confirmation email.

Timetable: Monday to Thursday, from 10am to 1pm OR from 2pm to 5pm (minimum 2 days/week)  
2 Days 898 € 1.795 € 2.435 € 3.051 €
4 Days 1.619 € 3.238 € 4.345 € 5.506 €
Consult the BAA Sales, Cancellations and Refunds Policy


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Drawing | Painting

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Drawing | Painting

Drawing | Painting

Drawing | Painting

Drawing | Painting

Drawing | Painting

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Total number of students in course: